Friday, 28 September 2018

Sometimes life sucks......!

Hi all.
Just a super quick post today as my head has not been "in" the right space for a while as my OH's operation date was nearing and he had it on Tuesday.
Bless him.
He has never complained in the past of pain - of any sort. Even when he was having his heart attack he wouldn't say how bad the pain was! However, he has told me of the excruciating agony he is in now and how he wouldn't recommend this surgery to anyone! Of course, it isn't something anyone would select optionally is it?
He was on the Intensive Care Unit for a couple of days and thankfully he's now been transferred to a Coronary Care ward where, at least, he can watch what's going on in the world on a TV over his bed!
I can only hope that it's onward and upward now. Every day he can only get a teeniest bit better so that by the time he comes home next week, he'll be ready to start a full recovery. I'll probably be running around like a mad woman but that's the price we pay when our loved ones need us.
So, that's it for now.
I haven't done too much crafting, sadly, only a tiny bit, but not enough to share really . I'm hoping to create something soon, just for a little therapy for me!

Have a great weekend, wherever you are :)

Lesley x

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